Applying for EU Funding

The Pre-Award team support all University of Glasgow academic researchers insterested in applying for funding under the Horizon Europe programme (successor to Horizon 2020), whether a PI intends to lead their own project or participate in applications led by other institutions.  

The UK confirmed association to Horizon Europe from 2024 onwards on 7th September 2023.  Read our news article from Professor Chris Pearce to find out what that means for UoG applicants.

UK organisations can participate in Horizon Europe calls in the same way as organisations based in the EU and are eligible to participate and receive funding in all parts of Horizon Europe, including the European Research Council and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.

We strongly encourage researchers to engage with Horizon Europe and encourage you to get in touch with the team as early as possible to maximise the support available to you.

How can we support you?

  • Signposting academic staff to available funding opportunities via a range of engagement channels.  Follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with the latest news or start searching for funding opportunities here.
  • One to one meetings to discuss proposal ideas and provision of tailored support throughout the application process, including costing and proposal guidance.
  • Hosting workshops & information sessions tailored to suit the needs of each funding call, some in collaboration with our external partners.
  • Providing examples of sucessful applications (where permitted).
  • Facilitating mock interviews for successful applicants.

Visit our Resources area and explore our range of tools, events and services to support your EU funding journey.

Current & Forthcoming Call Deadlines

Funding calls for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) and the European Research Council Work Programme (ERC) are limited to one call per year, per scheme.  The latest opportunities are listed below.  There are many other EU funding opportunities throughout the year and we would encourage you to search here.

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA 2024) 



(23rd Apr)

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024


11th September 2024


(29th May)

MSCA Doctoral Networks 2024


27th November 2024

European Research Council Work Programme (ERC 2024/ERC 2025)





(29th May)

ERC Advanced Grants


29th August 2024


ERC Proof of Concept


17th September 2024


(11th July)

ERC Starting Grants


15th October 2024


(11th July)

ERC Synergy Grants


6th November 2024 

To follow

26th Sep 2024

ERC Consolidator Grants


14th January 2025


Internal Funding Opportunities

In December 2023, Rachel Sandison (Deputy Vice Chancellor - External Engagement and Vice Principal - External Relations) announced the launch of internal funding to support Glasgow colleagues to collaborate with the University's international partners.  

The Horizon Network Seed Fund will provide seed funding which covers staff mobility and hosting costs for the development of research projects that will include European network partners (the Guild and CIVIS) and will lead to a Horizon Europe grant application.

The call is now closed.

Find out more about other internal funding opportunities here.

EU Funding Schemes

Explore the brief overview sections for each funding programme to find out what's on offer and if you're eligible to apply.

European Research Council (ERC)

The ERC work programme provides long-term funding for Principal Investigators and their research teams to pursue ground-breaking and ambitious research.  Eligibility for each scheme is dependent on career stage :

  • Starting Grants - for early stage researchers who are ready to work independently. Up to €1.5m for a period 5 years.
  • Consolidator Grants -  to consolidate independence by establishing a research team. Up to €2.0m for a period of 5 years.
  • Advanced Grants - established Principal Investigators ready to pursue ground-breaking, high-risk projects. Up to €2.5m for a period of 5 years.

The ERC also offer complimentary funding for researchers who previously received funding for any of the main grant schemes and now wish to explore commercial or societal potential, on a a lump sum basis of €150,000 for a period of 18 months.

Main grants permit only one Principal Investigator with the support of a team.  For larger, collaborative projects, Synergy Grants are on offer :

  • Synergy Grants - For researchers who wish to undertake an ambitious project in collaboration with other Principal Investigators (min 2, max 4). Up to €10m for a period of 6 years.

Find out more about the ERC 2025 Work Programme.

Visit our Resources area for a range of tools to support your application or get in touch to discuss your eligibility & proposal ideas.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) - Fellowships & Doctoral Networks

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) programme provides funding to support doctoral and postdoctoral training via the following funding schemes :

Key Facts

  • There is only one call per scheme each calendar year.
  • The programme is open to the world & the 'bottom-up' model means researchers can submit proposals from any discipline.
  • Mobility is a key element of the programme, supporting researchers to acquire cross-country knowledge, across different sectors and disciplines.
  • Researchers are offered excellent working & employment conditions.
  • The EU offer a 'Partner Search' tool to help you find potential partners (you must be a registered ECAS user).

Visit our Resources area for a range of tools to support your application or get in touch to discuss your eligibility & proposal ideas.

The Project Management Office (PMO) have extensive experience supporting large multi-partner doctoral networks.  Get in touch with Project Manager Katie Wright to discuss your proposal development and post-award support needs.

EU Funding - Collaborative Grants

Please provide the coordinator with the university PIC code (999974165) and advise them to add Joe Galloway ( as the main university contact.

Thanks to the confirmation of the UK’s association to Horizon Europe for all 2024 calls until the end of the programme, we encourage PIs to continue nurturing existing European networks and partnerships, and to continue engaging in new ones:

  • for 2023 calls, the UK bids as an associated country and receives UK Guarantee funding if successful;
  • for 2024-2027 calls, the UK is an associated country, receiving funding directly from the EU if successful.

The UK is eligible for apply for all Horizon Europe grants until the end of the programme in 2027.

Horizon Europe collaborative projects are organised in six ‘Clusters’:

The Project Management Office (PMO) have extensive experience supporting large multi-partner collaborative projects.  Get in touch with Project Manager Katie Wright to discuss your proposal development and post-award support needs.